
The Gift of Hope was founded by Haitian American Author and Victims Advocate, Armelle Desir. As a victim of sexual abuse Armelle understood what it meant to be raised in a Haitian household where things were often swept underneath the rug especially sexual abuse, what Armelle soon find out was that there were so many other young children who had an experience just like hers some who experienced a lot worse. When Armelle first shared her story with a youth group in 2012, the over pouring amount of sexual abuse stories and responses is what encouraged Armelle to start The Gift of Hope. The stories were clear children were being abused and their abuse swept under the rug, and what they all had in common was their background and culture. Their reasons for not coming forward was clear, fear. Fear that their family would be sent back to their country because some of them were here on temporary visas, fear that their family would not be able to make ends meat because the person who is providing is the one that is abusing, fear that no one will believe them and if they did to save face they maybe forced to marry their abuser instead. There was no safe haven for them, there was no hope. They shared their story with Armelle because they knew as a person who grew up in the same background and culture she would understand, and indeed she did. This is how The Gift of Hope was born.
The Gift of Hope helps connect victims of abuse with services based on their individual need. In 2019 The Gift of Hope expanded its services to assist victims of sex trafficking.
The Gift Of Hope connects victims with services based on their individual needs. Some of those services include
Mental health services such as individual & group therapy.
Educational services such as GED prep
Housing Assistance , we work with local providers who have affordable housing that would work with our victims. For more high risk cases we work with those who have safe houses.
We believe all women can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.
Contact us to learn more about our services
Our Mission
To empower, support, protect, and educate people of all ages who have endured abuse and help them through the healing process.

Our Vision
Our vision is to help as many victims of abuse gain their self worth and identity back by helping them understand the promises that God has for them, and knowing what happened to them doesn’t define who they are.